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ZodiacMilpro SRMN

120 HK

Motor max HK

181 kg

Motor max kg

1.270 kg



Personer Ombord

5,50 m


Finansieringsmuligheder gennem Santander

Se mulighederne


Zodiac Milpro™ SRMN boats were originally built for military use. Their hulls are reinforced to take
the maximum G forces that are applied when fully loaded and powered at maximum speed.
These Sea Rib™ are simple, functional and tough. The collar is a heavy-duty CSM / neoprene with

Zodiac Milpro™ special intercommunicating valves. The total deck area is open and reinforced
allowing installation anywhere of our wide range of steering consoles, bolsters and other equipment.
SRMN boats heavy-duty buoyancy tube is also available with Durarib™ technology.

Kim Larsen

Specialist i Zodiac

+45 45 32 86 05 22 kl@unisafe.dk

Zodiac SRMN - MARINE & NAVY Zodiac Milpro™ SRMN boats were originally built for military use. Their hulls are reinforced to take the maximum G forces that are applied when fully loaded and powered at maximum speed. These Sea Rib™ are simple, functional and tough. The collar is a heavy-duty CSM / neoprene with Zodiac Milpro™ special intercommunicating valves. The total deck area is open and reinforced allowing installation anywhere of our wide range of steering consoles, bolsters and other equipment. SRMN boats heavy-duty buoyancy tube is also available with Durarib™ technology.  


Motor max HK 120 HK

Motor max kg 181 kg

Last 1270 kg

Personer Ombord 14

Dimensioner, udpakket

Længde 5.5 m

Vægt 300 kg

Dimensioner, pakket
