Marine Rescue MRT

Unisafe leverer redningsudstyr fra Marine Rescue MRT. Produkterne henvender sig til marine erhverv og omfatter bl.a. Personlige nødsendere (PLB), Mand Over Bord (MOB) alarmer, sporingssystemer og People On Board (POB) ledelsesværktøjer

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MateSaver – Overboard Retrieval and Rescue Lifting System

To use the MateSaver efficiently the tackle supplied with the MateSaver needs to be clipped to an appropriate point overhanging the vessel. Most vessels have some suitable form of davit, platform or rigging that is strong enough to lift an unconscious casualty or aid a conscious casualty. Because the development of a practical recovery system will vary from vessel to vessel we would recommend consultation with your local department of transport surveyor or classification society on how best this aid to rescue may be used.

If a propeller guard is not fitted, engines should be stopped when the person in the water is brought along-side aft.

Comes in two sizes: 2.6 meters and 3.6 meters

Kim Petersen

Specialist i Marine Rescue MRT

+45 32 86 05 34

MateSaver - Overboard Retrieval and Rescue Lifting System To use the MateSaver efficiently the tackle supplied with the MateSaver needs to be clipped to an appropriate point overhanging the vessel. Most vessels have some suitable form of davit, platform or rigging that is strong enough to lift an unconscious casualty or aid a conscious casualty. Because the development of a practical recovery system will vary from vessel to vessel we would recommend consultation with your local department of transport surveyor or classification society on how best this aid to rescue may be used. If a propeller guard is not fitted, engines should be stopped when the person in the water is brought along-side aft. Comes in two sizes: 2.6 meters and 3.6 meters


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