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COMET Handflare, white

Finansieringsmuligheder gennem Santander

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Hand-held, Collision warning signal.
Designed for use as a collision warning signal or for illuminating small areas where an intense white light is required.
Compact flare featuring a unique telescopic handle saving space for stowage.

Hand held signal, firing in emergency for collision.
Short range illumination signal used as warning for collision and to illuminate areas for search and rescue operations..
Burning time is 60 seconds with 2.500 candela.

Please note this article is dangerous goods.
UN 0191 / Class 1.4G

Kim Petersen

Specialist i Comet

+45 32 86 05 34

[video width="1280" height="720" mp4=""][/video] Hand-held, Collision warning signal. Designed for use as a collision warning signal or for illuminating small areas where an intense white light is required. Compact flare featuring a unique telescopic handle saving space for stowage. Purpose: Hand held signal, firing in emergency for collision. Short range illumination signal used as warning for collision and to illuminate areas for search and rescue operations.. Burning time is 60 seconds with 2.500 candela. Please note this article is dangerous goods. UN 0191 / Class 1.4G


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