
SECUMAR redningsveste

Førende producent af sikkerhed til havs. Oppustelige redningsveste designet til fritidsoplevelser, beredskab og erhverv på vandet.

SECUMAR -  De bedste redningsveste på markedet

Når du bevæger dig ud på vandet, er der en ting, du aldrig må glemme. Redningsvesten. Det er både et krav fra eksempelvis Søfartsstyrelsen og Sikkerhedsstyrelsen, men også almen sund fornuft, hvis nu uheldet skulle være ude. Hos Uni-Safe har vi specialiseret os i at forhandle de bedste redningsveste, der er på markedet. Derfor forhandler vi SECUMAR-veste, der er den førende producent af sikkerhed til havs. SECUMAR er anerkendte for deres højkvalitets, oppustelige redningsveste, der kan bruges af både private og professionelle. Ud over kvaliteten er mange af SECUMAR’s produkter SOLAS godkendte.

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SECU 17 MOB Pack

kr. 2.070,00

1 kg


Finansieringsmuligheder gennem Santander

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MOB pack with lid and fastening loops, comprised of 100N Foam Lifejacket SECU 17 with 3M® retro-reflective strips, signal whistle, buoyant rescue line (30 m). The SECU 17 – the classic among inherent buoyancy lifejackets as an alternative to a rescue ring and simply indestructible. Indispensable as a reserve lifejacket and a throwing weight for the rescue line giving accuracy of aim. Recommended optional extras in MOB pack: emergency light SECULUX L92, recovery aid SECULIFT LWS25. The complete MOB pack incl. optional extras: SECU 17 with SECULIFT, rescue line and light practically stowed in a bag as man overboard packwith recovery system. This combination is superior to any conventional life sling.

Kim Petersen

Specialist i Secumar

+45 32 86 05 34

MOB pack with lid and fastening loops, comprised of 100N Foam Lifejacket SECU 17 with 3M® retro-reflective strips, signal whistle, buoyant rescue line (30 m). The SECU 17 – the classic among inherent buoyancy lifejackets as an alternative to a rescue ring and simply indestructible. Indispensable as a reserve lifejacket and a throwing weight for the rescue line giving accuracy of aim. Recommended optional extras in MOB pack: emergency light SECULUX L92, recovery aid SECULIFT LWS25. The complete MOB pack incl. optional extras: SECU 17 with SECULIFT, rescue line and light practically stowed in a bag as man overboard packwith recovery system. This combination is superior to any conventional life sling.


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Vægt 1 kg