
SECUMAR redningsveste

Førende producent af sikkerhed til havs. Oppustelige redningsveste designet til fritidsoplevelser, beredskab og erhverv på vandet.

SECUMAR -  De bedste redningsveste på markedet

Når du bevæger dig ud på vandet, er der en ting, du aldrig må glemme. Redningsvesten. Det er både et krav fra eksempelvis Søfartsstyrelsen og Sikkerhedsstyrelsen, men også almen sund fornuft, hvis nu uheldet skulle være ude. Hos Uni-Safe har vi specialiseret os i at forhandle de bedste redningsveste, der er på markedet. Derfor forhandler vi SECUMAR-veste, der er den førende producent af sikkerhed til havs. SECUMAR er anerkendte for deres højkvalitets, oppustelige redningsveste, der kan bruges af både private og professionelle. Ud over kvaliteten er mange af SECUMAR’s produkter SOLAS godkendte.

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kr. 4.200,00

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2,50 kg


Finansieringsmuligheder gennem Santander

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3D Logo
CE: PSA konform mit Richtlinie 89/686/EWG, baumuster- und typgeprüft.SOLAS-Steuerrad: PSA konform mit der Schiffsausrüstungs- Richtlinie 96/98/EG und mit den SOLAS/ IMO Regeln für Rettungsmittel in der Seeschifffahrt.

SOLAS premium model: high volume, twin chamber 3D technology. This design combines two important innovations in lifejacket technology.
The patented buoyancy chamber design is built with a double inflatable chamber so for extra safety, the second compartment can be filled by a simple tug on a cord to manually operate the CO2 cylinder, thereby maintaining the full buoyancy.
Also, the 3D design provides considerable buoyancy on the front chest area, offering much enhanced righting moment to any unfortunate casualty in the water, turning them quickly onto their backs – very important if wearing heavy foul weather clothing or a tool belt.
Because of the three-dimensional design, the visibility of the wearer in the water increased significantly and allows the installation of an emergency light at the highest point of the buoyancy chamber and approximately 20 cm higher than traditional life jackets.
Also a PLB in this position offers a significantly improved transmission range. (optional)

Available with different accessories such as harness and emergency PLB. All variations are equipped with SECU 4001S/401S, CO2-Dock 60 g, Click 50 and sprayhood.

Kim Petersen

Specialist i Secumar

+45 32 86 05 34

3D Logo
CE: PSA konform mit Richtlinie 89/686/EWG, baumuster- und typgeprüft.SOLAS-Steuerrad: PSA konform mit der Schiffsausrüstungs- Richtlinie 96/98/EG und mit den SOLAS/ IMO Regeln für Rettungsmittel in der Seeschifffahrt.
SOLAS premium model: high volume, twin chamber 3D technology. This design combines two important innovations in lifejacket technology. The patented buoyancy chamber design is built with a double inflatable chamber so for extra safety, the second compartment can be filled by a simple tug on a cord to manually operate the CO2 cylinder, thereby maintaining the full buoyancy. Also, the 3D design provides considerable buoyancy on the front chest area, offering much enhanced righting moment to any unfortunate casualty in the water, turning them quickly onto their backs - very important if wearing heavy foul weather clothing or a tool belt. Because of the three-dimensional design, the visibility of the wearer in the water increased significantly and allows the installation of an emergency light at the highest point of the buoyancy chamber and approximately 20 cm higher than traditional life jackets. Also a PLB in this position offers a significantly improved transmission range. (optional) Available with different accessories such as harness and emergency PLB. All variations are equipped with SECU 4001S/401S, CO2-Dock 60 g, Click 50 and sprayhood.


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Vægt 2.5 kg