Zodiac Milpro

Førende global producent af militære og professionelle RIB både og gummibåde. Produktlinien henvender sig til forsvar, politi og beredskaber

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ZodiacMilpro SRR

350 HK

Motor max HK

390 kg

Motor max kg

2.076 kg



Personer Ombord

8,79 m


3,05 m


Finansieringsmuligheder gennem Santander

Se mulighederne


Zodiac Milpro’s SEA RIB™ RESPONDE RS™ (SRR) are built for Professional and military units for day-to-day missions. SRR boats combine a reinforced GRP hull with a slide-on collar, integrated fuel tanks and self-draining deck as well as stowage lockers to ensure operators the maximum reliability and effectiveness in all sea conditions.

Inflatable collars are made of heavy-duty CSM / neoprene coated fabric with Zodiac Milpro’s special intercommunicating valves. Collars are removable to make maintenance and eventual change easier and faster. Besides, the total deck area is open and reinforced allowing installation of our wide range of steering consoles, bolsters and other equipment in various customized

Kim Larsen

Specialist i Zodiac Milpro

+45 45 32 86 05 22 kl@unisafe.dk

ZodiacMilpro SRR - FUNCTIONAL AND PRACTICAL Zodiac Milpro’s SEA RIB™ RESPONDE RS™ (SRR) are built for Professional and military units for day-to-day missions. SRR boats combine a reinforced GRP hull with a slide-on collar, integrated fuel tanks and self-draining deck as well as stowage lockers to ensure operators the maximum reliability and effectiveness in all sea conditions. Inflatable collars are made of heavy-duty CSM / neoprene coated fabric with Zodiac Milpro’s special intercommunicating valves. Collars are removable to make maintenance and eventual change easier and faster. Besides, the total deck area is open and reinforced allowing installation of our wide range of steering consoles, bolsters and other equipment in various customized configurations.


Motor max HK 350 HK

Motor max kg 390 kg

Last 2076 kg

Personer Ombord 18

Dimensioner, udpakket

Længde 8.79 m

Bredde 3.05 m

Vægt 1578 kg

Dimensioner, pakket
